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I created this website in response to those who have expressed an interest in my research into the tensions felt by many who participate in Christian worship songs and singing.

The Bio page is a summary.To view the my full CV, a sub-menu, please e-mail me to receive the necessary username and password as the page is privacy protected.

On the Writing page are two articles written for a church newspaper, a paper presented at Phenomenon of Singing VI Symposium, as well as the Abstract (summary) of my dissertation.You will also find five "Theses" which is a brief outline of some of my conclusions regarding congregational singing and song in today's evangelical church.

The full text dissertation is on the Dissertation sub-menu of the Writing page. I have also uploaded as a separate file the chapter that is descriptive of the experience of congregational singing. These are both pdf files and will open as separate windows when you click the links.

Workshops/Retreats has a sample list of topics that I have addressed in a variety of settings. Check it out if you think that my work can be of help to you in your situation.

The Video page has a very interesting opinion clip by Brian McLaren and some "just for fun" satirical uploads.

Resources is an ongoing project; books, articles, websites and other sources that may be of interest.

Recent publications:

I was privileged to write responses to three chapters in a recently released book: Rediscovering Worship, Past, Present and Future. published by Pickwick Publications, edited by Wendy J. Porter. This was originally a series of papers presented by Biblical scholars and practitioners who gathered at McMaster Divinity College for a worship conference. (details - link to Wipf and Stock)

I have also written a chapter in an edited book:Christian Congregational Music: Performance, Identity and Experience published by Routledge, (details - link to Routledge). The book came out of a conference held at a seminary affiliated with Oxford (UK) in 2011: Christian Congregational Music: Local and Global Perspectives .


Gordon Adnams PhD


Email Address*


©2017 Gordon Adnams

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