the experience of congregational singing
I am available to help your congregation and worship leaders enrich and strengthen communal singing. Also, because our conception of worship is often linked to singing, I can offer some ideas concerning the broader context of the Sunday service (i.e. worship and litrugy - acts of worship by the people).
Here is a brief list of some of the topics I have addressed in a variety of settings. I am always ready and willing to create or "custom fit" a presentation for your needs.
Is it really all about Jesus? Music, mood and emotion in today's worship
The Joy of a Melody
The Praise Band and the Congregation : Trust or Truce
What is "authentic" worship?
Meanings in Worship Singing
Singing "out-of-bounds": Towards Musical Plurality
Singing True: Theology in Song Texts
Where is God in our Worship?
The Danger of Idolatry
Individualism and Corporate Worship
...our heartfelt appreciation for all you have given us this weekend: wit, wisdom and a soul-nourishing experience of congregational singing as it might be - as well, so much to reflect and ponder on in the weeks ahead.
I really felt like the group was tracking with you, especially at the end as you answered some questions and talked about worship music & congregational singing in general. You had some very helpful comments and ideas; we really, really appreciated it!!
I liked that you encouraged us to sing the songs together, so that we could understand for ourselves what you were talking about. I also particularly liked how you dissected a ?good or balanced song? to explain why some songs work and why some don't! I think that was especially appreciated by some people from our church; you articulated some of their feelings that they haven't been able to express before.
Your presentation was very clear & easy to follow.
I like your strong emphasis on the congregants as performers.
I found your points easy to follow and your speaking style engaging.
I liked the participatory nature of your presentation. It helped to demonstrate the points you were making, which is important with something so personal as singing. The discussion of the relationship between lyrics and melody (or music generally) was great!
You really made me think!
To begin a discussion around how I may be able to assist you, use the form below to contact me. If possible, include your suggested date(s), the topic(s) that interest you (or your suggestions of topics) and the type of presentation best suited to your situation. I will respond as promptly as possible.