the experience of congregational singing
Worship opinion
Good biblical and theological argument that leaders of singing cannot lead the congregation "into" worship.
The second installment to "I am notTHE worship leader" (above).
From the blog of Prof. John Stackhouse.
From the pen of the Internet Monk. This article is frank with "no holds barred"
The home page of Michael Spencer's blog. Much food for thought on many subjects.
Frank Burch Brown's critique of the all-too-often simplistic notions of music deemed "relevant" for use in today's churches.
Worship and church music education
A site rich with resources from a Reformed frame of reference but very broad in application and perspective
A educational week of instruction and discussion for church musicians held in Whitby Ontario, early July.
The website of a "kindred spirit" in Texas
A page from Christianity Today's ChristianHistory.net
An insightful article from the perspective of an Anglican church musician
From the McMaster Journal of Theolgy and Ministry; a broad look at the influence of Rick Warren on contemporary worship music
A fine synopsis of the Pentecostal/charismatic origins of Christian Contemporary Music and worship songs.